Marlee Training is a business that was created for those who work in the health and community service industries. Now we deliver to all workplaces throughout Queensland.

Patricia (Trish) Schafer is a nurse who has worked for twenty plus years in industry and came to understand that shift work and other unique circumstances impact the access to learning to those within this industry.

Trish has designed Marlee Training to take in the need for those who prefer exclusive one to one delivery or easy access to their first aid and other training needs, working around the restrictions of the industry constraints.

Trish loves the challenge of delivering a service that is outside the box, such as delivering in the workplace for the night shift, having dummies for children who may want to participate whilst you are doing your practical and finding ways to overcome barriers that may seem impossible to do in a large group setting.


Marlee Training has partnered with Accredited Training Company (RTO 31549) to provide First Aid and CPR renewal. This partnership ensures that all certificates are recognised and accepted throughout Australia.


Confidence in the ability to assist in a first aid situation

Inclusiveness that engages all levels of learning and experience that benefits all who engage in our service.

Passionate with drive and dedication to share our knowledge in a fun and engaging way that brings the best out of each individual.


To deliver the skills that assists with saving lives.